How The KNEC Grades The 2023 KPSEA Certificate Exams.

How The KNEC Grades The 2023 KPSEA Certificate Exams.

How The KNEC Grades The 2023 KPSEA Certificate Exams.

Kenya National Examination Council (KNEC) introduced a national assessment for grade 6 pupils as a result of the country’s adoption of the Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC).

Unlike other KNEC-graded documents, the Kenya Primary School Education Assessment (KPSEA) certificate is provided as a performance report that is exclusively accessible in digital format. School heads can obtain and access it at, the KNEC portal.

The assessment center and number, together with the student’s name and gender, are important pieces of information found in the performance report. On the right side of the certificate, the letters “F” for girls and “M” for boys indicate gender.

Interestingly, the performance report does not have a passport photo like the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) certificate does.

English language, Kiswahili Lugha, mathematics, Integrated Science (which includes Science and Technology, Agriculture, Home Science, Physical and Health Education, and Social Studies) (which includes Social Studies, Art and Craft, Music, and Religious Education) are the five subjects in which Grade Six students are assessed by KNEC.

Performance Levels 1 through 4 are used to grade all topics, with a higher number denoting exceptional performance. Performance Level 1 denotes subpar performance, requiring assistance. Performance Level 2, which is characterized as being close to expectations, recognizes the learner’s efforts.

Performance Level 3 indicates that the student can complete the majority of assessment tasks and meets expectations.

The greatest praise, Performance Level 4, beyond expectations, denotes a constant and extremely correct demonstration of the information, abilities, attitudes, and values that have been tested.

The head teacher’s signature, the learner’s information, the school stamp, and the download date are all required to verify the authenticity of the certificate. The KNEC logo watermark is also an essential component.

How the KNEC Grades the 2023 KPSEA Certificate Exams.

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